This show is presented by OSK Nippon Revue Company, since the time before the WWII as one of “Three girl opera companies,” including Takarazuka Revue Company and Shochiku Revue Company. You can enjoy their varied and splendid performances including the beautiful songs and dance show by Geisha with elegant Kimono and powerful swordfight dance show by Samurai with armors and swords. Don’t miss out!!
For the beginning of the show, you will be able to have experience of Japanese dance. OSK members will teach you how to dance. At the entrance when you walked in, staff gives you Japanese paper fan so, you can use yours at dance time.
First section of the show, you can see powerful fight between a samurai and a spider woman (KUMO onna) wearing gorgeous KIMONO and beautiful GEISHA girls dance.
Second section, you can enjoy KABUKI taste show. Do you know what “KEBURI” is?
Keburi…Lions are believed to be the lucky creatures to drive away the evil. This dance depicts the doughty state of lions shaking their manes.
You will watch KEBURI performance and gorgeous Japanese dance here.
After finish this show, they have photo session with all cast. Please make your wonderful memory with REVUE JAPAN cast! Limited terms only! Come visit our Kansai Tourist Information Center to buy tickets.
●Venue● DAIHATSU Shinsaibashi Kadoza
●Time● 19:30 (45min.)
●Price● \3,000
●Place to buy●
・Kansai Tourist Information Center (KIX T1, T2 and Kyoto)
・J booking…
You can check show date from website!